Class 1. 9/15/20. Topics: Introductions all around. Course overview and goals. Logistics. Structure and timing of classes. Topics: What is the Internet, what is a protocol? The network edge and core. Performance: delay, loss and throughput. Protocol layering and service models. Encapsulation. Networks under Attack, Computer networking history.
Reading: Sections 1.1 – 1.7 in class textbook
Watch: recordings for sections 1.1 – 1.7. Videos corresponding to Chapter 1 sections are here.
Wireshark Labs: I'd recommend that you try out the Wireshark Lab, which you can do on your own computer - just to see what it's like. The text for the lab is here. And if you want to answer questions and get them checked (online), you can go
Class 3. 10/2/20 (moved from 9/29). DNS (we didn't have time to discuss on 9/22), Video Streaming and CDNs, Socket programming.
Class 6. 10/27/20. The network layer. Overview of the network layer. What's inside a router (input and output ports, switching fabric, packet queueing and scheduling)? IPv4: datagram format.
Reading: Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.1.
Watch: recordings for these sections. Videos corresponding to these chapter 4 sections are here.
Class 9. 11/17/20. Routing algorithms, Routing protocols, intradomain versus interdomain routing, Software defined networking.
Reading: Sections 5.2 (lightly), 5.3, 5.4, 5.5.
Watch: recordings for sections these sections. Videos corresponding to these sections are
href=""> here (Chapter 5).