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Class 1. 9/15/20. Topics: Introductions all around. Course overview and goals. Logistics.  Structure and timing of classes. Topics: What is the Internet, what is a protocol?  The network edge and core.  Performance: delay, loss and throughput. Protocol layering and service models.  Encapsulation. Networks under Attack, Computer networking history.

Class 2. 9/22/20.  Introduction to the Application Layer, the Web and HTTP, Email, the Domain Name Systems (DNS).

Class 3. 10/2/20 (moved from 9/29).  DNS (we didn't have time to discuss on 9/22), Video Streaming and CDNs, Socket programming.

Class 4. 10/13/20. Introduction to the transport layer, Multiplexing and demultiplexing, UDP, principles of reliable data transfer.

Class 5. 10/20/20. TCP reliable data transfer, congestion control, TCP congestion control.

Class 6. 10/27/20. The network layer. Overview of the network layer. What's inside a router (input and output ports, switching fabric, packet queueing and scheduling)? IPv4: datagram format.

Class 7. 11/5/20. The network layer (continued). IP4 addressing, Network Address Translation (NAT), IPv6, tunneling.

Class 8. 11/10/20. The network layer: generalized forwarding, Internet architecture -the BIG picture. The network control plane.

Class 9. 11/17/20. Routing algorithms, Routing protocols, intradomain versus interdomain routing, Software defined networking.

Class 10. 11/24/20. The link layer.
Link-layer services, error detection/correction, the multiple access problem, LANs and swtiches, ARP, MPLS.

Class 11. 12/1/20. The link layer continued.
Ethernet, Ethernet switches,VLANS.

Class 12. 12/8/20. The link layer continued.
EVPNs, MPLS, Data Center networks,


Class 12. 12/16/20. Wireless networks,